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User profile


Used to get user profile information.


Request method:



Content-type: application/json

Request URL

Request body

The request body should be sent as parameters and it should contain the api_key value.

Note: After authenticating, a cookie will be set on the response and this can be used to make further request without including the api_key in the request params.

params = {
  "api_key": "dfg894gre49rte4ertg",

Request example:


    "success": {
        "username": "",
        "email": "",
        "firstname": "John",
        "surname": "Doe",
        "gender": "Male",
        "date_of_birth": "1821-11-05",
        "country": "South Africa",
        "cellphone": "+27712345689",
        "last_login": "2017-08-09 07:00:00 -7:00",
        "api_key": "2163e7fe5758032b61002913cd02b9da1003bf26",
        "account_type": "Basic (Free)",
        "account_active": null,
        "account_verified": true,
        "address_line_1": "",
        "address_line_2": "",
        "address_postal_code": "",
        "address_state": "",
        "address_country": null,
        "profile_pic": null,
        "cellphone_verified": null,
        "time_offset": 0,
        "time_limits": {
            "min_time": 1620063398,
            "max_time": 1624798156,
            "sensor_min_time": null,
            "sensor_max_time": null,
            "switch_min_time": 1620063398,
            "switch_max_time": 1620063398,
            "ws_min_time": 1624798156,
            "ws_max_time": 1624798156,
            "gps_min_time": null,
            "gps_max_time": null,
            "met_min_time": null,
            "met_max_time": null,
            "batmon_min_time": null,
            "batmon_max_time": null
        "whatsapp_messages": 0,
        "sms_messages": 0

Field description

The response information contains the following fields

Field name Description Type
username Profile user name. str
email Profile email address str
firstname User first name str
surname User surname/lastname str
gender User profile gender str
date_of_birth User profile date of birth str
country User profile country str
cellphone User cellphone number int
last_login Last login time in epoch int
api_key Session API key str
account_type User profile account type str
account_active Boolean indicating profile active state bool
account_verified Boolean indicating account verification status bool
address_line_1 Profile address line 1 str
address_line_2 Profile address line 2 str
address_postal_code Profile address postal code int
address_state Profile address country state or province str
address_country Profile address country str
profile_pic User profile picture str
cellphone_verified Boolean indicating profile cellphone verification status bool
time_offset User time offset in seconds int
time_limits An array of interface time limits arr
whatsapp_messages Number of whatsapp messages remaining for the user int
sms_messages Number of smses messages remaining for the user int